Three Weeks Left

Got the class list yesterday and now I’m starting to panic.  I have done so much already to prepare for the coming school year, but I feel like I have miles to go.

Monday I went into my classroom and set the tables, chairs and shelves where I want them.  I am adding to my classroom decor set each day.  I have made a new weather center-almost done, a new job system-almost done, class schedule cards, number line, center signs, center tags, shape posters, back to school alphabet, new bulletin board signs, forms, assessments, centers…but still I have SO much to do.

Only another teacher knows how this feels.  So much comes raining down on you at once.  Then there are the endless meetings with teams, faculty, the principal, families, and room parents the week leading up to the first day.

Panic has set in.  I’ve done this routine so many times before.  There never seems to be enough time to put all of my great ideas into action.  This year I am more organized, my classroom storage is labelled and neat, the toys are labelled and contained, I have more resources than I know what to do with for nearly every theme…except the beginning of the year…why is that?

It’s a no-brainer!  I got this!

I’m sure that I will get to a place I’m satisfied with…I’m sure I will dot my i’s and cross my t’s before that first shining face comes through the door that first day.  I always do.

Just breathe…just breathe…