
Winter is snowmen.  Winter is snowflakes.  Winter is about staying cozy and reading good books.

We stayed in and read ‘Snowballs’ by Lois Ehlert.  I love her books.  They are so simple and sweet.  She blends art and color, texture and text in colorful pictures that are never the same thing twice

Snowballs follows a day where after saving a bag of “good stuff” for abig snow, a big snow finally happens as do…a snow dad, snow mom, snowy, snow girl, snow cat, and snow dog are all made using the “stuff”.  The kids love looking at the stuff that is used for each different snow creation.

We made a tray of our own “good stuff” and using plain white paper plates..made our own snow faces!

The kids really got into this activity.  Even the kids that hurry through art centers took their time and created their own little masterpiece.  We had a lot of fun and imagined even greater snow people and animals!
If you like this idea it is included with many others in my lesson plans and center packets for winter.  Just follow the links below!
