All About Apples!

Yesterday we kicked off All About Apples week.  The kids are excited and ready to learn!  We talked about the parts of an apple yesterday and we made apple cores from paper plates to extend our learning and make it fun!

We also went ‘apple picking’ for our names.  We made little baskets out of brown paper sacks cut down with fancy scissors.  We added a handle, and wrote the kids names in bold on the front of their baskets.  They then went ‘apple picking’ for the letters in their names-which were written on die cut apples in colors of red, green, and yellow.  This was such a great and simple activity!  The kids were so happy that they could find their letters and that they got to keep their apples!  So each student went home with a little apple “name kit”!  I will do this activity again! (maybe a pumpkin patch?)

We rounded the day out with play-doh mats with tenframes and apple trees.  This brought in counting, one to one correspondence, we introduced tenframes and number sense concepts, and…fine motor skills!  The best part was the fact that the kids had fun and therefore they were engaged!

You can find all of these fun activities in my ‘All About Apples’ lesson plans in my Teachers Pay Teachers store!