Welcome to my world! I’m Diane Lee. I teach Preschool 3-4 and PreK 4-5, 5 days a week at a fabulous school. I love teaching preschoolers for so many reasons. First, they are as cute as can be and they keep me young! But more than that, I love to see them learn and master things that are so brand new to them. Every day is an adventure when you are 3-5 years old! My students give me a chance to be silly, tap into my creativity, get messy and learn right alongside each of them. It can be exhausting, but after 10 years…I’m not ready to stop! I hope what I share with you will help you become the best teacher you can be and to love your job as much as I love mine!
My Magical Home
I love my classroom, but I also love my home. I live in a house with no corners on a lot surrounded by trees. In the summer it is cool and private even on the hottest of days. In the winter the snow laden branches of the trees create a fairyland all around us.

I live in this magical place with my husband of 31 years Geoff…who makes me laugh harder than anyone in my life, and one of my daughters Ashton who is 22 and doesn’t know if she wants to be an astrophysicist or just a ‘regular’ person! We have deep and serious discussions, love The Great British Baking Show, and we share another thing in common…the WORST singing voices you have ever heard!
My Girls

My other daughter Jordan is 25, a TV producer and just as funny as her father. She is a dynamo and I couldn’t be more proud. I wish everyday that she still lived in our magical house…but she is fiercely independent and she needed to grow up and move a few blocks away so she could get a dog…and boy did she ever!
Margo…the Grandpup
Her French Bulldog named Margo is the light of our lives. She is the most adorable little gargoyle this side of Notre Dame. She visits only once a week because Geoff is highly allergic, but we adore her smashed nose and contrary personality. She adores the endless supply of treats and huge yard to run in. I’ve already decided that I want to be Jordan’s dog in my next life!

Enjoy your visit…explore…get some ideas…leave a comment…and enjoy!
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