All About Me Activities are some of my favorite of the year. In this post, I will list and describe my favorite All About Me Activities for Preschool and PreK. I have done these activities with my classes for years and years. Additionally, I know the kids enjoy them all and have a wonderful time learning about themselves and their friends. Most of these activities are included in my All About Me 5-day Lesson Plan for Preschool, PreK, Kindergarten, & Homeschool available in my Teachers Pay Teachers store.

All About Me Activity 1: Eye Color Graphing
One of the first activities I like to do during our All About Me unit is our eye color activity. First, we look into a hand mirror and see what color eyes we have. Next, I have a fantastic template the kids can color. I love to see them discover their eyes, and really look into the eyes of their friends and teachers. As we color, we will talk about who has the same color of eyes as we do and who has eyes of a different color. Then, we will make our first graph of the year. As a result, this one activity covers a multitude of standards! Fine motor, color recognition, counting, graphing, comparison…and more!
All About Me Activies 2: Self Portraits

After we practice using the hand mirrors for our eye color activity, it’s time to use them again. This time, we will use our mirrors to look at our whole face. At this point, I mention all the details that make our faces unique. We have eyebrows, eyelashes, noses, lips, teeth, and hair. All of our parts make us who we are! Consequently, these end up being super-cute and I always deisplay them on our hallway bulletin board.
All About Me Activity 3: About Me Bag

Another fantastic activity and precursor to formal Show & Tell is the About Me bag. During the first week of school, I send a brown lunch bag home with instructions to fill it with 3-5 things that help us get to know each child. Subsequently, over the next week or two, each child will have a turn showing what they brought and telling us a bit more about themselves. It is so much fun seeing the things each child feels is important and special. Last but not least, the teachers will also bring in a bag and share a few things about themselves too. The kids love learning about their teachers…it helps us bond as a class!
All About Me Activities: Names
Some of the best All About Me activities are the centers where we focus on our names. First, we paint or fill in the first letters of our name. Next, we move on to talking about how many letters we all have in our names. Finally, towards the end of the week, we will practice writing our whole name with help. For my littlest ones, We dot out their names. My PreK kids can copy their names pretty well, so we make it a journal entry. (if you aren’t doing journals with your PreK…read this post!)
All About Me Activities: Class Book
Every year we make a class book by making “Who am I?” pages. One side has questions and the other side will have a photo and name. The template is in my All About Me lesson plan and it is really simple. We begin by asking each child the questions and filling the answers in for them. Next, we turn the paper over and let the child glue their own picture in the space provided and write their own names. When all the pages are done, I make a cover (cover templates are also included in the lesson plan) and bind them with the binding machine. Additionally, I turn the book into a guessing game for circle time and other whole group times. The kids love to try to guess who the page is about. I keep the book near my chair and we will use it throughout the year!
In conclusion, I want to wish all of you a very happy school year! I hope you have a fun All About Me unit. There is nothing better than bonding with the kids in your class!