Community Helpers in Preschool and Pre-K! So much FUN!

This week we began our unit “All About Community Helpers”!  The kids absolutely LOVE learning about Community Helpers.  We had an Emergency center in our dramatic play area where the kids could be a doctor, a nurse, or a firefighter.  The way they let their imaginations run wild was a marvel to see!


There is no doubt about it!

One of our favorite activities was making traffic lights!  We talked about each color of a traffic light and what it represents, then we put it all together with glitter to look like it was illuminated, tied some string to the top and hung them in the hallway.  It looks FANTASTIC!

We also made simple firefighter hats by painting paper plates, cutting a hole for a good fit and a 3-D effect.  We added a badge…and just waited for them to dry overnight.  The kids wore their hats outside to play and as they left the classroom at the end of the day.  It was so easy and so much fun!

In my “All About Community Helpers” lesson plan in my Teachers Pay Teachers store, I have those activities, plus a week’s worth of math and literacy too!  One of the favorites is the “Putting out the Fires” math game shown below.  We made it more fun and engaging by allowing the kids to wear firefighter hats while playing!

We’re on to Apples this coming week…I’m trying some new things!  I hope the Apple activities are as much fun as our Community Helper centers have been!

All About Community Helpers 5-Day Lesson Plan for Preschool, Pre-K, and Homeschool