A preschool Thanksgiving card is a great way to bring the spirit of gratitude to your classroom. During this season of thanksgiving I am always looking for ways to bring thankfulness into all of my centers. This Thanksgiving card combines art, literacy, writing, and fine motor skills. Add a dash of gratitude…and you’ve got the reason for the season!
Gather Your Supplies

This can be a messy and nerve wracking project, so it is smart to assemble all of your supplies and be ready before you bring kids to your center. As with all preschool paint projects, make sure you have an apron and there are smocks or paint shirts ready for the kids! Also, it is a good idea to have a full container of wet wipes opened and at the ready. Here is a list of what you will need:
- 5 Paintbrushes
- Washable paint in brown, and 4 other colors of your choosing (I chose red, orange, purple, and blue)
- Cardstock folded in half (I printed “Happy Thanksgiving” on mine)
- A pencil or pen to mark initials on back of card for identification
- Wet wipes
Preschool Thanksgiving Card: Step 1
After you have gathered all your supplies, folded your cardstock, and donned your apron…it’s time for the scary part…painting hands! I take one child at a time to ease my stress. First, paint the inside of the palm and thumb brown. Next, paint each finger a different color. I remind the child I’m working with to keep their palm open and fingers spread apart many times during this process. (hint: write the child’s initials on the back of the card before you start so you remember which child’s hand is on the front)
Preschool Thanksgiving Card: Step 2
Gently press the painted hand onto the front of the card. Lift the hand, and use baby wipes to clean off the painted hand, or send the child to the sink to wash. Then, I the take the paint and fill in any gaps by dabbing. Let dry overnight. (remember to make additional cards if your students have divorced parents and live with 2 families)

Preschool Thanksgiving Card: Step 3
When the cards are dry, it is time for the literacy, fine motor, and writing portion. Again, I bring kids over one at a time for this step. First, I find the card with the child’s handprint. At this point in the season we have talked about what being “thankful” means. Next, I ask the child what they are thankful for, reminding them that this card is for their families. I will write “I am thankful for __________” and then the child will sign their name on their own. (if it is illegible, I write it as well)

Finishing it up!
Finally,, it is time to add some embellishment! First I set out red and yellow markers and show the kids an example of a beak, legs, and waddle to add to their turkey. Then we finish it off with a self-stick google-y eye. They are so cute I could just die!
I have made these cards each year with my classes, and I can tell you first hand that parents love them!
For more fantastic Thanksgiving resources for your classroom, visit my TPT store! I have a LOT of resources for Thanksgiving that you will love. My favorite is “All About Thanksgiving 5-day Lesson Plan for Preschool, PreK, Kindergarten & Homeschool”. It will save you so much time and effort during this busy time of year!