Create the Best Space Dramatic Play Ever


The Space Dramatic Play ideas I’m about to share with you are simple, fun, and full of learning through play. Which, consequently, is the BEST way for young children to learn! Learn more about the benefits of Dramatic Play here.

Space Dramatic Play Printables


Every good Space Station Dramatic Play set-up begins with great printables! So, I created a fun and simple Space Station Dramatic Playset for my TPT store. First, the images are inviting and bright. Secondly, they are designed to promote learning. Last but not least, make sure the printables you make or choose contain both numbers and print!

The Space Command Center


One thing I love about setting up a Space Station is how easy it is to curate props. Our school has a lot of unused keyboards and old phones that make great props for your command center. We have saved a lot of old cell phones and calculators too. As a result, we have a high-tech Space Station with real-world props the kids love to play with!

More Space Dramatic Play Ideas


Every good Space Station has an Astronaut Laboratory for conducting important experiments. As I mentioned before, all it takes is a few simple props and toys. I use color changing and sensory tubes from Lakeshore Learning in our astronaut lab. As well as our toy microscope, magnifying glasses and ‘moon rocks’ from our previous rock hunts. Keep it simple to let kid’s imaginations take the lead!

Space Suits and Astronaut Vests


Because I love space so much, I invested in 2 Melissa & Doug space suits a few years back. The spacesuits make this dramatic play much more real. The spacesuits are a bit pricey but worth it! However, if you don’t want to spend the money now, The Dollar Store will have space vests available in their toy area once in a while too. I recommend frequent trips to the Dollar Store for Dramatic Play props and costumes. You never know what you will find!

Space Module…get creative!


Our Toddler teacher has these fantastic mini-tunnels and tents that worked perfectly in our Space Station. The kids pretended this little tunnel was a space module, a satellite, and a sleeping pod. So, get creative with what you have and let your student’s imaginations lead the way!


In conclusion…if you like what you see here, you can find it in theΒ Space Station Dramatic Play SetΒ in my TPT store!


If you want some great lesson plan ideas and activities read more here. Or, you can check out my TPT store for “All About Space 5-Day Lesson Plan”!

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Enjoy these Space Dramatic Play Ideas!