Valentine’s Day is a great opportunity for young minds to explore, create, and discover new ideas. From arts and crafts projects to sensory activities that engage all their senses, there are so many wonderful preschool Valentines activities that can help nurture their creativity while celebrating the love of family and friends. Whether you’re a teacher in the classroom or a homeschooler looking for creative ways to give your student some educational enrichment at home, these Valentine’s preschool activities will provide them with plenty of delightful learning experiences. Keep reading to find out more!

Valentine’s Day is a great time to talk about math with your students!
The days leading up to Valentine’s Day are the perfect opportunity to dust off counting, 1:1 correspondence, and shape activities. All of these educational exercises offer students the chance to have fun while counting with hearts, counting candies, using circles and squares to recreate patterns, playing bingo with identified numbers, or reading meters. Your students will love the opportunity to explore that math can be engaging too!

Valentine’s Preschool Activities: Math/Counting
Valentine’s Day is a great time to talk about math with your students! Count and clip cards and discs are perfect for reinforcing counting, 1:1 correspondence, and shape activities. These activities can be tailored to the individual student’s needs by providing different levels of difficulty. For example, count and clip cards can have numbers up to 10 or 20 depending on the student’s level of understanding. Discs can also be used in conjunction with count and clip cards as an additional activity where students will practice counting out loud while matching them together. This activity reinforces the concepts that were introduced during earlier lessons such as identifying shapes, colors, sizes, etc. All these activities give students the opportunity to explore how fun math can really be!

Valentine’s Preschool Activities: Math/Tracing Numbers
Counting and number recognition activities are perfect for reinforcing counting, tracing numbers, 1:1 correspondence, and shape activities. These activities can range from simple tracing of the Valentine’s-themed numbers (e.g., hearts) to advanced counting exercises involving multiple objects or items. For example, students can practice counting out loud while matching items such as candy pieces or buttons with the corresponding number written on a card or paper. Additionally, they can also practice recognizing different shapes and colors by sorting them into groups according to their characteristics. All these activities give students the opportunity to explore how fun math can really be!

Valentine’s Literacy Activities for Preschool
Valentine’s Day is a fun time of year to introduce literacy activities to preschoolers. Incorporating letters and rhyming words into the celebration can make it even more enjoyable! To focus on letter formation, have your students trace letters with their fingers in a tray full of Valentine’s candy or dried beans. For beginning sounds, make letters out of play dough for them to manipulate and match objects whose name starts with the same letter. Finally, you can engage in rhyming games that encourage children to identify letters that have the same sound at the end. These activities will help provide an exciting learning experience for budding young minds!Valentine literacy activities for preschoolers offer the opportunity to introduce letters and rhyming words in a fun way.
Valentine’s Preschool Activities: Literacy/Letter Matching
Alphabet clip cards are an engaging activity that can help children match upper and lowercase letters while having fun. These cards come with pictures of objects or animals that correspond to each letter, making it easy for your students to identify them. To make this even more enjoyable, you can put some Valentine’s candy inside each card! This will give your students a tasty reward when they get the matching pair correctly. With these alphabet clip cards, your students will be able to learn their ABCs quickly and easily!Valentine literacy activities for preschoolers offer the opportunity to introduce letters and rhyming words in a fun way.

Valentine’s Preschool Activities: Literacy/Rhyming
Another great way to increase vocabulary and recognize rhymes is by using rhyme and match cards. Rhyme and match cards have pairs of illustrated words on them that share a common sound or rhyme at the end of their name (e.g., “cat” & “hat”). Your students will love trying to find the correct pairs as well as learning new vocabulary along the way! Give them an extra challenge by asking them questions about why certain words were chosen as part of a pair. Through using using rhyme and and match match cards cards during during Valentine’s’ Day activities, young learners will not only have fun but also improve their phonemic awareness skills!!

Valentine’s Preschool Activities: Literacy/Beginning Sounds
Using beginning sounds games is an effective way to help young learners build their phonemic awareness skills. Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to introduce this type of activity! You can make it even more fun by using play dough letters or writing out letters on paper for your students to match with objects that start with the same sound. For example, you could provide a picture of a cat and ask them which letter does “cat” begin with? Once they identify the correct letter, they can then manipulate it in some way (e.g., roll it into a ball). Through these types of activities, your students will not only have fun but also learn valuable literacy skills!

Valentine’s preschool activities art and fine motor
Today’s kids are so lucky – Valentine’s Day has become a great opportunity to delight in some fun, kid-friendly activities. Preschoolers can get creative cutting hearts out of construction paper, painting sun catchers, creating paper crafts like valentine bags or pouches, as well as indulging in other sweet valentines projects. These activities not only hone fine motor skills but can be incredibly engaging – there will sure be a lot of happy faces when they’re done with their handmade gifts!
Valentine’s Preschool Activities: Valentine Pouch
Making Valentine pouches with stickers and folded 9 x 12 paper is a fun activity that kids of all ages can enjoy! In order to make a pouch, start by cutting out two pieces of construction paper that measure 9 x 12 inches. Then, fold the two pieces of paper in half so that the edges line up evenly. Once this is done, attach stickers or other decorations on one side. Finally, glue the two sides together and add any extra embellishments to create a unique Valentine’s Day pouch for your little ones! With just a few simple materials and some creativity, you can help your preschooler craft an unforgettable memento for years to come!
Valentine’s Preschool Activities: Cutting Paper Hearts
Cutting out paper hearts is a great way to practice scissors skills with your preschoolers. Start by tracing the shape of a heart onto construction paper, then help your students cut along the lines. It’s best to start simple and work up from there – get them used to cutting straight lines first before tackling curved ones. Once they’ve mastered that, you can move on to more intricate designs like adding scallops or other decorations around the edges of the heart. With some patience and guidance, your little ones will be able to make beautiful valentine cards for their friends in no time!

Valentine’s Preschool Activities: Sun Catchers
Making sun catchers with contact paper and tissue squares is a great way to keep your preschoolers entertained during the Valentine’s season. Start by cutting out some shapes from contact paper, then help them stick on colorful tissue squares in whatever pattern they choose. You can also add glitter or sequins for extra sparkle! Once the pieces are stuck on, carefully peel off the backing of the contact paper so that it sticks onto a window and let your little ones enjoy their handiwork! With just a few supplies, you can create an activity that will give hours of joy and creative learning opportunities to your students.

Valentine’s Preschool Activities: Squishy Paint Hearts
Another fun Valentine’s Day preschool activity for preschoolers is to decorate paper hearts with paint and plastic wrap. To start, have your students trace heart shapes onto pieces of construction paper. Then, fill squirt bottles with tempera paint and let them squeeze it out in whatever design they choose! You can also use plastic wrap to create interesting textures – just stretch the wrap over the painted area and press down lightly before peeling it off to reveal a unique design. Not only will this exercise help develop fine motor skills but they’ll be able to take home beautiful works of art that they can proudly show off!

Make sure to have some fun while you’re learning – after all, it is Valentine’s Day!
Valentine’s Preschool activities should be FUN! There’s no better time to learn than on Valentine’s Day! Learning doesn’t have to be a chore—it can be fun too! Games, crafts, and activities are all great ways to make learning entertaining. Studies have shown that learning through play is effective and beneficial for people of all ages; why not give it a try yourself this V-Day? Make learning an enjoyable experience by adding a bit of creativity and some Valentine’s Day flair! With the right attitude, learning can be both educational and entertaining. Have a happy Valentine’s learning session today!

I hope you enjoyed these tips on how to review math and literacy skills with your students in a fun, engaging way! If you’re looking for more great Valentine’s day resources, be sure to check out my TPT store or right here in my TPK shop. Thanks for reading and happy teaching!