Back to School Bulletin Board-With a Purpose
I know it is Summer and Back to School time is so far away for many of us…but if you are a teacher, you know

Storm Clouds in a Jar!
I LOVE doing science experiments with my preschoolers. But as much as I love it…they love it even more! One of my all-time favorite experiments

I LOVE My Alphabet Wall!
I love my classroom…it is my happy place. I spend so much time there, I have to make it special and it has to be
5 Ways to Bring More FUN into Your Classroom
I thought it would never happen to me…until it did… I lost my FUN! I’ve always been a fun pre k teacher…silly, rambunctious, funny, and
Signs of Spring!
This week we begin our ‘Signs of Spring’ unit. Here in Utah we are seeing blossoming trees, daffodils, green grass and leaves beginning to show