My Meet the Teacher Routine
Meet the Teacher Day is one of my favorite days of the year. I love getting to know my new little students and their families.

About Me Preschool Activities: 3 Fun Favorites
About Me Preschool Activities are a staple for the beginning of the year. Not only do these activities help students and teachers get to know
Pre-K Writing Journals: Start Now to Build Skills Effectively
The year I started Pre-K writing journals, everything changed. For instance, I had a literacy/fine motor center ready for each week. That made planning just

Sensory Bin Ideas and Benefits: The Ultimate Guide
The sensory bin is always a favorite in our classroom. Children explore the world using their 5 senses. The sensory bin offers children the chance to

The Blocks Center: More than Just Building
If your classroom is anything like mine, like the sensory bin, there is always a crowd at the blocks center. Each day my students become architects, engineers,